Saturday 4 September 2021

Never a dull moment

 So the excitement of the morning was the badger in the trap.  The hens had been safe in the garage, but the badger, came for the third night in a row and this time was lured with honey, dead chicks and plums, into the trap supplied by the city.  And the city's VildVard officer came with his handgun, dispatched the beast with two shots and took away the carcass.  The trap remains here, baited again this evening, lest any other badgers have heard about the chicken dinners available here.

After lunch we scooted out to the cottage.  Very handy to have your cottage on an island and it takes less than half and hour to get there.  Some went in the motorboat while Jennie and I paddled the new canoe out to the island.  It is a lovely place to sit on the dock and do Soduko puzzles.  The sauna was on and everyone, including me, did the sauna cycle of hot and then into the cold lake.  Eventually after about 4 cycles, even I swam around off the end of the dock, but it was a very short swim and then back into warm, dry, clothes.  Pizza on the deck for supper meant no one had to cook and we were back to Gavle in good time for the girls to head to bed.

There is a lovely community event which has been going on for 20 years, where the town puts out candles along the water in the evening and people stroll.  Jennie and I followed the lights along the river, thoroughly enjoying the lovely evening.

It was a day with lots going on -- never a dull moment.

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