Monday 2 June 2014


This picture of Tova Elise shows her in the new bicycle seat which, now that she has a helmet, she can use.  She took to it right away and absolutely loved her vantage point and freedom (though strapped in by chest and feet).  One might think that perched behind Mom was a problem, but she was looking around at the scenery and other people.  A perfect spot for a little one to observe her world.

Observing is active looking and I am certain TE is analysing and filing away everything she sees.  It may not all make sense right now, but it will shape her view as time goes on.

I have been observing too, especially comparing things to Canada and to how I perceived Sweden initially:

There seems to be a trend here, as in Canada, that there are more overweight people of all ages.  Jenn and Richard feel that this is, sadly, the case here also.  Seems candy is the major culprit and there are discussions to see how the emphasis on candy -- particularly after school and for Easter -- can be decreased.

I have also noticed more people smoking outside while walking, or standing in groups.  Again, there do not appear to be age differences.  Sad.

Jennie has been working hard in her gardens.  She has a fabulous little intensive vegetable patch and a nice flower garden.  We have been de-grassing this bed and transplanting and containing some of the more expansive plants.  I think the gardens love the moderate climate -- yes, I know we are supposedly in a temperate zone at home, but the ocean just a few kms away works wonders.  Also, the soil here is TOTALLY different from my back yard -- read 'crumbly loam instead of rock hard clay'.

The local weekly paper focused this week, on the river which flows through Gavle.  There are some very ambitious plans to add a swimming area for kids and adults to the park.  Unfortunately, bureaucracy is not confined to Canada, and the project is on hold until at least August.

Major difference is the attitude toward pedestrians and cyclists by the motorists.  One can count on the cars to observe and be careful around cyclists, especially where there are no bike lanes or bike crossing signals. Wouldn't that be nice at home!

And then, of course, there is the daylight.  Right now the sun sets at 22:10 and rises at 03:33, so it is really only dark between 11:30 and 2:30.  My perception is way off and I will be thinking that I should still be out in the garden or doing something when it is almost 10 pm.

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