Friday 6 June 2014

June 6

For the Western world, June 6 is known for being D Day -- the launch of the Allied Normandy invasion which brought about the end of World War II in Europe.  I don't know where exactly my Father was on that June 6, but he was part of that German retreat along the Rhine which followed, was captured and spent time in a US prison camp.  His memories of being a POW were not good and so there was no dwelling on it in the family.

In the Locher clan, June 6 is 'the day that Northern Dancer fed Jim B.'s chickens'.  Jim is my uncle who lived less than a km away from us as the crow flies, and who also, raised broiler chickens.  Northern Dancer was the Canadian three-year old horse who, in 1964 won first the Kentucky Derby and then the Preakness  making him eligible to win the Triple Crown.  We Locher kids had a bet with Uncle Jim on the outcome of the third race -- the Belmont.  I don't remember what our prize would have been if ND had won, but he lost, and so we had to feed the chickens in my Uncle's barn.  (Several thousand birds, so it wasn't a handful of chicken feed here and there, but pails filled at the bin and then poured into tall feeders).  June 6 lived on in infamy.

Scroll ahead to 1979.  By a complex calculation of normal gestation time and then factoring in how late my first baby was, June 6 was the predicted date for baby #2.  Joanna wasn't nearly as speedy as she is in her triathlons today, and didn't make her appearance till June 7, 5:10 am.

But here in Sweden,  June 6 is National Day (making for the second long weekend in a row!)  Gavle is celebrating with parade, concerts, kids' shows, and generally a big party in the park.  I am travelling today so only managed to catch a glimpse of the band on it's way from the town centre to the park area.  There were lots of yellow and blue flags, face painting, balloons, leis, and Swedish shirts.

Happy June 6 to you all!  (a sleepy TE with her 'loved' flag)

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