Monday 18 September 2017

This adventure -- Part III

This adventure started almost 2 weeks ago when I flew to Amsterdam and then to France to visit my friend Rhonda who lives just outside of Basel, Switzerland.  I met her 31 years ago when she moved onto our street in Millgrove and I was canvassing for the kidney foundation one fall.  We have been friends ever since.  Since she moved away about 20 years ago, our time together has been much reduced, but we do skype a couple times a month and when we visit, we just pick up where we left off.  Both of us have 2 children who are now married and have grandkids in each family.  We talk a lot, go shopping and garden but mostly we laugh.  She has taken up golf and played 9 holes while I was there.  I have never golfed in my life and just went through the woods next to the fairways and picked up lost balls -- a dozen, good result for a few hours strolling.  She hates cycling, but there was plenty to do, so no problem.  She is allegic to gluten, lactose and fructose -- I love bread, fruit and cheese.  It's a strange match, but it works.  I miss her being down the street and hanging out, but am lucky enough to be able to travel and she comes to Canada too.  A good friend is truly a treasure!

Part II of this trip was in Rotterdam with Joanna and family as she got ready for and then competed in the World Triathlon Championships.  Those of you with Facebook already know that she came 9th in her age category--amazing result!  So while she was readying self and equipment, the rest of us visited windmills, took boat rides, explored the Markethal, travelled out to the North Sea beach, toured the SS Rotterdam and generally watched the city from the fabulous vantage of our 40th floor apartment.  She was able to join us for the pancake boat and the Madurodam miniature village -- some time off training was possible.

And so this morning, JJ and family left for the airport to return to Canada, and I started this final phase of the adventure.  I took a train to Arnhem through Utrecht.  I have a hotel right beside the central station and from here I will be cycling for the next 3 days (hopefully).  Tuesday and Wednesday I plan to go south into Germany along the Rhine and then on Thursday I start northwest to return to Rotterdam by Sunday night.

I was tempted to ride today as the bike was already here when I checked in at noon, but then it started to rain, so I took to exploring the city.  My history is not very good so I did not realize that a significant battle happened here in Sept. 1944 concerning the bridge.  I visited a church which was burned in that battle, and has been restored which and eye to the past and the future.  Every September there are reenactments of the British airborne attack and subsequent surrender when the reinforcements did not arrive.  The past is still very alive.

But the city is also focused on the future.  The central library is an award winning building with historic displays and archives, but also auditorium, music lessons, art studios and cafes all in a beautifully designed user friendly space. Every place has something fascinating to be discovered.  Hurray!


  1. Gut wen du wider ein stuck alde lander und alde geschichte kennen lernst.
    deine Mutter

  2. I'm glad you are on your adventure.
