Wednesday 19 August 2015

Definitely an adventure

This was supposed to be a 'make use of the time at the airport' blog about closing of chapters in one's life, etc.  Instead, I find myself sitting here in the airport waiting for a phone call from my dear friend Irene who is, I hope, looking through my husband's dresser to find my passport because I have arrived at the airport with his passport.  NEVER EVEN BOTHERED TO CHECK that it was my passport in the folder, after my booking of tickets to the Azores for February.  And I obviously mixed them up.  Ian just dropped me off here, after we noted what good time we had made getting here but that extra time at the airport was no problem.  Waiting 3:02 pm.  Last time for check-in is 4:45 as the flight is scheduled for 5:45.

3:12 just talked to Irene who has found the passport and is willing to make the journey, though she sometimes gets lost going to the airport.  I have given her the best directions I can think of and we both have phones.  Pinching thumbs, crossing fingers -- whatever!

3:49 am sitting here still and deleting emails -- started with almost 2000 and am down to about 900.  Actually this is what I was planning to do here -- but on the other side of the check-in.

So I went outside at about an hour after Irene called and she called back to say that she had given the passport to a taxi who promised it in a few minutes.  Indeed, cab 437 arrived about 4:35 and after the exchange (passport for $30), I ran to the counter which was just in the process of closing, but I did get in.  I hate this drama stuff.

So I made the flight.  Ian had said that this could not be called an adventure as I was now doing it so many times -- rather just a commute.  WELL, this was an adventure, but not the kind I hope to ever repeat.

Now sitting in Munich airport at the gate for my next flight to Arlanda.  As the connection time was short, I did not get the cinnamon roll which I had hoped to have with a lovely coffee for breakfast -- just happy to be here.

To my friend Irene, so many thanks and I shall make it up to you.

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