Saturday 24 August 2019

Back on the land August 24

Not having WiFi on the boat was quite a drag.  I could have related our adventures each day, talking about the cycling, the boats, the castles, the vineyards, the gondolas, the food, the people, etc.  Over the next few days I will try to catch up but also stay current with the day.

So today, K and I left the boat after breakfast.  It felt quite strange not to get on the bikes and meet our friend the river for a long visit.  We took a taxi to the Mainz Hbf and got on our train.  It was a 2:45 trip to Basel and then another hour to Baden where there was a happy group to meet us on the platform.  Joanna, Sham and Clara were there as well as Chris, Liz, Kalina and Natasha.  If the definition of an aunt is your cousin's mom, then I am still Chris' aunt.  We had an icecream in town, then picked up some groceries and headed to the Airbnb.  It is a lovely 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment on the river which flows through town.  The recent arrivers are crashing early.

So a week ago, K and I were waiting for the boat at one docking spot -- where the literature that I had been emailed indicated.  The time for the boat to arrive came and went.  As it neared and passed embarkation time, I got a little worried and 2 very nice ladies found out where the boat indeed was and we proceeded. 

It is one of the smaller river cruisers, only 2 levels and at least 30 m shorter than the Viking long ships.  But it was refurbished about 1.5 years ago and the Arkona is a very comfortable space.  Our cabin was small but efficiently designed so there was no space problem.  There was a lounge with little tables where one could listen to some music, have a drink, play games, and in the evenings, do some embroidery on the delphiniums.  It was the space for afternoon coffee and cake but also available in the mornings for tour briefings.  Only 2 or 3 people stayed on the boat during the day, the rest of us all cycled.  There were basically two groups -- german speakers and everyone else who were addressed in english.  Meals were all held in the restaurant, breakfast being a buffet and which supplied the ingredients for a make-you-own picnic lunch, and supper being a lovely served item with 4 or 5 courses and choice of mains.  The sundeck on top of the boat had lots of lounge chairs and a covered area with tables.  The crew has their main jobs but everyone is enlisted to move bicycles or help unload supplies.  They are a family that works very well together.

K and I were assigned to table 3 along with 2 English couples who were travelling together.  Chris and Francis are teachers.  Chris used to teach highschool science before he became an educator of teachers and Francis teaches upperschool mathematics.  Andy and Jennie are about 10 to 15 years older, Andy is a semi-retired engineer from Siemans and Jennie is a very busy grandma with 10 grandchildren who all live within 10 miles.  K and Chris hit it off, discussing science each evening and most mornings.  Andy had his 65th birthday on the boat and shared his celebratory champagne.  They were delightful table companions.

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