Tuesday 31 January 2017


Yes, the word is so foreign to my mindset that I had to look it up to make sure I spelled it correctly.  Anyone who knows me, is well aware that I am a 'do' person rather than a 'be' person.  I don't believe that makes me shallow, it does, however mean that I do much of my thinking while I am also doing something else.  I guess I have always had the philosophy that there are so many things I want to do that I had better get to them now.

Enter:  vacation.  These are usually divided into 'active' and 'flake and bake'.  I love both -- the new places and new things of the active and the relaxation of swimming and sand-castle building and walking on the beach of the flake and bake.  I have never done a flake and bake for more than a week and have always wondered if I could.  So now, that we actually decided to take a 2.5 week, relaxation vacation, I did approach it with some trepidation  -- would I be able to take enough, find enough to keep me from going stir crazy?  The cross-stitch and 5 big paperbacks and 2 books of number puzzles were to be enough, given there would be cycling and walking during the day.

Enter:  broken foot.  Added problem to keep me more sedentary.  We walk usually at least an hour a day -- not that I get very far in an hour, but there is no cycling and we have walked around town every day so far and there are a limited number of new things to see and do.

But indeed:  convalescence.  Defined as the period needed for gradual return to health and strength after an illness, injury or surgery, I am familiar with it.  Having had this kind of a break before, I know it will be 8 weeks before I can put the boot away and resume walking normally.  One week down, 7 to go.

So, the cross-stitch:  an incredibly finicky work that requires eyesight only possible without my glasses, exacting following to a pattern which is actually bigger than the piece of work,  and delicate needlework with embroidery yarn split into 3 separate 2-strand threads.  In the 5 days I have worked on this, I have learned that I need a grid on my cloth to keep me straight, that if I draw dots on a certain colour of stitch which I am working on, it goes somewhat faster, that it works best for me if my right hand stays below the work and the left hand above, and that a hoop helps to hold the whole thing steadier.  I can't say that I am enjoying this -- really feel sorry for all the people driven to this activity by others or their own sense of duty.  But, it does keep my focussed and busy for about 2 - 3 hours each day.  My foot rests easily and I am convalescing!

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