Friday 2 November 2018

Friday, Nov.2

Well, it has been sea, pools, beach, rocks, delicious food and sunshine here the last 7 days.  I am sure that Gran Canaria has lots to offer the tourist, but that is irrelevant to me.

As I explained to my 5 year old granddaughter, I am here to spend time with her, her sister and her parents.  That may be hard for a little one to understand, even one as sharp as TvE,
(given that this is a vacation that the four of them have been looking forward to), but that is the absolute reality for me who lives an ocean apart from this branch of my family.  Skype is nice, emails with pictures and facebook posts do keep me in touch with what is happening 6 hours away, but there is nothing like being there to hold a hand, read a story, play a game, build a sand castle, or inspect rocks to cement a relationship.  I want them to remember me as someone who played, laughed and adventured with them and now is the only time I am assured to create those memories and build those bonds.  Seize the day-- or in this case, the week.

Pictures are great, but it is because they will remind them of the feelings and the caring when someday, hopefully in quite a distant future, I am not there to cuddle them in person. 

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