Saturday 4 February 2017

Adventure versus routine

I know this blog is called Adventures-eva, but I am not really a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of person.  I hate when situations get out of control.

I hate arguments between people.  I firmly believe that if you can't say anything nice, you should not say anything at all.  (My dear Mom told me that arguments between her parents were burned into her memories and she and my Dad did not want that for us kids, so there were never hot words between them in our presence).  Once something is said, you can't take it back.

I don't like riding my bike down a hill that is so steep that I can't stop or control it.  I once (actually twice) went down a snowy hill so fast that I could not control things and have a sore spot in my leg to remind me that I was extremely lucky that my thigh had hit the tree instead of my head.  (Now you know why I don't ski downhill.)

So probably I am a control freak.  My school classroom was always done by my strict organization.  My kids always knew the limits and consequences.  I am not a frivolous purchaser and have lived with a budget forever.  I hate when things get out of place in the kitchen -- makes me less efficient when I have to search for everything.  I lived for many years spouting the philosophy that an organized person can do anything -- and everything.  I had a 5 year plan.

Yes, ripe for a major upheaval in life.  Mine was Allan's stroke in Mexico -- a situation so totally out of my control that it and the resulting life alterations forced a total rethink.

So here's where the adventure comes in.  I love to go to new places (I try to keep it safe so there are destinations I will not see).  I want to see how other people live -- love checking out their grocery stores and trying the local cuisine.  I try to say something in their language, even if it is only obrigado.  I love to see the history of a place -- castles, cathedrals, mountains, caves, oceans, museums, parks.  I have learned what creature comforts I need to be happy and enjoy finding different local places that I can enjoy.  I love adapting my routines to a new situation.

I think I am less demanding than I used to be.  I think I accept others more now without feeling the need to change them.  I find comfort in feeling the belonging of a group -- in church, at stained glass class, volunteering at Wesley.  I give myself permission to not have to be in charge or perfect.

So this adventure is about seeing if I can exist here for 2.5 weeks without driving myself (or Ian) crazy.  My pace is very much slowed thanks to the boot, but the plan had been for this to be very low keyed in any case.  I have a number of books (actually gave myself permission to finish the book last night reading till 4am), puzzles, the 'beloved' cross-stitch (the back of the package says "You create a work of art... an heirloom to enjoy for generations to come."  We shall see how excited the grandkids will be to be saddled with this item if it ever gets finished), the computer with netflix and a harbour (that disgorged hordes of people this morning as there is a British cruise ship docked today) to enjoy.

Expanding one's experience -- the true adventure.

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