Thursday, 19 September 2013

One-third year birthday

TovaElise is 4 months old today -- already 1/3 of a year.  She is up to 7.5 kg and 65.5 cm.  She was sitting on Jennie's lap yesterday and I remarked that if she keeps up that growth, she will be as big as her mom at one year.  No, that won't happen, but she will be a big girl.

This morning was Baby music -- a lovely class in a local church where a very energetic but gentle woman leads in singing, clapping, moving with the help of drums, guitar, horn, claves, whistles.  It was all in Swedish, but even I (father's mother) could understand 'Twinkle, twinkle, little star'.  It's a half hour class, and many of the little ones, like TovaElise are totally exhausted at the end -- but there was no crying at all.  I can see why there is a waiting list!

This afternoon was green tomato chutney -- at least the chopping and measuring part.  It has simmered all day and is just now deemed done.  The scent of sugar and spices and vinegar have been enchanting us all day.

Just as yesterday was Jennie's early Christmas, today TovaElise got her Christmas gift.  It is a highchair -- totally low tech, but one of the most remarkable chairs I have ever seen.  It is adjustable for everyone from baby to adult.  In fact, last week Clara was on one in the cafe at the National History Museum.  Yes, one pays more for a clever design, but this could be something she keeps for her own children.

We have some pieces in our home that have come from Ian's parents from when Ian was a child.  Amazing that they have managed to keep it in useable condition.  The one piece that I have kept is the crib which I made when Richard was born.  It got a new coat of paint -- it had been through a number of my nieces and nephews-- and now serves for the grandkids when they come to stay over.  It's that feeling of history, never was important to me before, but now I think about it and posterity too -how we touch on eternity.

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