Even not so keen observation will tell you that today was a sunny day -- not a drop of rain and virtually no clouds. You will also notice that I was with a bicycle -- yes it is Jennie's town bike which has three gears and shopping basket. What you can't see is the huge smile on my face as this is the first day in 2 months that I have been on a bike and it was WONDERFUL. And, before you get worried about my foot, I rode on virtually flat ground and at every incline, I made my left leg do all the work. No problems, -- happiness!
Also delighted was little Miss TovaElise at her swimming class with her mom. The lesson is in the therapy pool at the hospital, so it was beautifully warm. There was movement and singing and the babes went under the water. Amazing little one who did not complain -- a few blinks and lots of good kicks. She is a water baby for sure.
nice to be two wheeled again.