Saturday 11 May 2024


 It must be the teacher in me that needs a summation and evaluation of an activity.  So here are the ratings of this adventure, in no particular order.

Best hugs: Rowan and Tova, without a doubt!

Best indoor plants:  I have to go with Inge's orchids.  She has so many different ones and they live so beautifully in the little sun alcove off the dining area.  I added this one to her collection.

Best outdoor garden:  Rhonda and Robert take that honour.  They spend hours with the flowers and vegetables, respectively.  Plus, they live in a micro climate that puts them ahead of most.
Best city tour guide:  Franz in Vaihingen.  I learned about the old walled town, the former and soon-to-be occupants of the castle, the mill on the river Enz, the new kids' play park at the old train station, the local vineyard and historic flooding.
Most amazing plant:  When I first visited Johanna and her Mom back in 1984, I remember a lovely red spreading cutleaf Japanese maple by the front door.  Look at it now!
Best fruit:  There was nothing fresh from any of the gardens I visited, so it is a choice of the store bought stuff --Conference pears. They were available everywhere!
Worst airport experience:  Schipol.  Not because it isn't clean or spacious, nor is it poorly laid out without good shops and facilities.  It's because I had to RUN to make the connection.  I don't run anymore (thanks to my feet having been broken, not that I liked running ever), and particularly don't run with a heavy backpack.

Best creature experience:  The stork in Rhonda's yard and then on its nest.  OK, Morris has always been a friendly cat, but I'm sorry girls, a chicken is still just a chicken.
Best bread:  Sorry French baguette and German pretzel, but it is the sunflower seed, sourdough rye bread from Epi in Gavle.
Best pastry:  mmmm  the fruit cheesecake from the bakery on the market square in Vaihingen.
Best restaurant meal:  That's really hard.  I can't decide between the Iberian pork at the golf club or the beef roast in the house from the 1400s.

Best item I am bringing home:  The gifts are appropriate, the clothes that I bought are very nice (and practical -- 11 pairs of socks, long story), the wine will be very tasty as will the duck, the two marzipan topping sheets for Princess Cakes will make spectacular desserts, I may even be able to make super bread with the sourdough starter, but the number one choice has to be the reusable baking mats from Clas Olson. Haven't found anything like them at home. 

Best bike ride:  as it was the only ride of significance -- from Gavle to the Valbo shopping center on the trusty blue Monark commuter.

Best water walk:  Along Lake Constance -- even with the tourists.  For a number of years I have considered a cycling holiday around this lake, and now having seen it (for the first time in 70 years), it's a definite wish.

Most productive gardening activity:  yes I pulled weeds in Gavle, Habsheim and Vaihingen, but we all know that's just a temporary measure as they all grow back.  However, when I dug worms for fishing on the island and for the hens in the garden, that was a positive activity and much appreciated.

Best train trip:  Emotionally, it has to be the one that took me to the people I love, but in terms of comfort, relaxation and scenery, it was the trip from Konstanz to the Zurich airport yesterday.  It was early and one actually had time to get settled.  There were lots of spaces and no standing was required.  No one griped at the bicycles or removed them from the train -- DB cancelled a train and then the next one was so crowded that bikes had to be taken off.  I did not have to run to get it -- you think you have lots of time to make the connection, but then the train is late and the track you need is down the steps and then back up again.  The scenery was amazing -- the Swiss do 'picture perfect' perfectly.  I have to recommend Trainline from the UK.  They are an amazing booking site for all the trains in Europe.

Best music:  That has to be a tie between the lunch-time organ concert at the church in Gavle or the "Across the Fields" vocal ensemble in St. Louis.  (The after-concert snacks were better in France.  I got a recipe for a fabulous version of Linzer torte)

Best garden center:  I didn't fully explore any of the locations, but the one Rhonda took me to in Germany was spectacular -- and the only place we could get the climbing zucchini plant that Robert wanted.  Note the new variety of hydrangea! (Oh, the birds of paradise aren't bad either.)

Surprises:  -getting on the train in Germany and understanding the conversation around me (+)
                  -the layout of the ICA MAXI after renovation (-)
                  -Inge's oven which is called a baking box and opens like a straight out drawer
                  -Robert's peach trees that he grew from seeds
                  -climbing zucchini plants
                  -Rhonda's vintage egg flipper
Ideas to copy - a garden privacy structure
                      - a snail shaped pollinator house
                      - glass flowers for the garden

Time to go home, but already looking forward to coming back.

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