Friday, 10 May 2013

Orientation -- May 2

After a good flight and arrival, we navigated the bus system and, with the help of other riders, we got off at the correct stop and checked into the hotel by 10 am.  NH Amsterdam Centre is an classic building on the outside, but very modern inside.  We grabbed a bit of breakfast and then headed out for orientation -- that necessary walk with map to get an idea of the area.  We are just outside the inner set of canals, but though the wind was substantial, we were well attired and comfortable strolling along some of the streets along with crowds of people.  

In Dam square, the workers were dismantalling scaffolding and crowd control barriers after the coronation of the new king 2 days ago.  The New Church was open, but the line-up was snaked about a kilometer around the square, and we were not in a mood to wait.  And so we settled for walking through the flower market, a long block along one of the canals which sells seasonal plants.  Currently everyone had tulip bulbs of all description and some exotic bulbs we had never seen.  Cannabis seeds anyone?

There was a little shop dedicated to Delft pottery.  A tulip vase (the seven tiered one) sold for 24K euros -- yes, that is 24 thousand euros.  We chose not to take it as a souvenier.  

Many of the stores we have seen in other capital or major cities are, of course, to be found in Amsterdam also.  But the bicycles -- more than anywhere else I have been, -- parked, zooming through traffic both human and mechanical -- were very impressive.  A coffee on the bank of a canal was a wonderful way to watch the boats, admire the architecture and enjoy the sunshine.

I found out where the tours leave and a grocery store.  I think that’s a good start to finding my way around the city.

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