My leaving was certainly not as exciting as a mix-mix truck or even a mighty street sweeper, but the little boy endured the driver doing the payment thing and consulting his map for the next pickup and waved goodbye from the front window. It's tradition, you know. I wonder how many more traditions we pass on -- some knowingly, others totally unwittingly.
And so I am off on another adventure -- Richard said "Mom, come for a visit" and that's more than enough invitation. It will be a short trip, just a week, but there are some interesting plans which I hope work out, and the joy of visiting with family. I am looking forward to this time in Sweden.
By the way, Pearson wants to be the #1 gateway to North America. It has quite a reputation to overcome. Let's see if they make some fundamental changes to customer service. If this evening was any indication, they are off to a good start. The check-in people were friendly and the security staff smiled and even willingly explained what the hand swabs were looking for. Hurray for people being nice!
It would be wonderful for the customer service to be improved. That is what makes some many other airports more attractive than Toronto. It is great that this may be a new beginning.