Monday, 19 September 2011


C.S. Lewis, in his opening book of the Narnia series, has a place between the worlds where there is nothing but a series of pools that one can jump into and come out in a different world.  I have always thought that airports are like that.  This one is Toronto, but it really is no different from the others -- Oh, they play "visit Ontario" clips on the monitors and there is a Tim Horton's, but it is lines and chairs and waiting like any other airport.

Outside it is raining, so I may as well be sitting waiting, but there is excitement in the waiting.  This adventure is one that I have considered for some time and finally decided upon for the celebration of my 60th birthday, which happens to be the day I return.  It takes me back to my roots -- I will be passing quite close to Stuttgart where I was born, and it connects me to the future with my friend Rhonda and my kids who will be joining me for the final weekend in Copenhagen.  But it will also be a time to be alone with myself -- do that contemplative "taking stock of your life" thing which milestone birthdays often inspire.  Am I happy with where I am?  Am I contented with my achievements?  What do I want to do next?

So it will be an inward journey also, some of which I will share on this blog.  I am looking forward to it with delight.

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