The new Dr. Strange movie that I watched on the plane over here, is about the multiverse -- essentially the old science fiction scenario of alternate universes. We love the concept that there is someone else out there identical to ourselves but working through a whole different set of circumstances. That is what these last two weeks have been for Clara.
Everyone speaks a different language. C knows a few german words and is picking up more all the time, but she started from zero. For a girl who interacts so well with others, this problem is huge.
Routines are different. From breakfast to sit down lunches and 4 course suppers, meals are not what she was used to in Canada. She tried carpaccio, tartare, foies gras, sorbets, and a multitude of desserts and pastries that were all new. She has gone to bed late and slept in late -- not what will be happening next week when she starts school.
And she has come face to face with history on such a scale as never before. Buildings that have stood since before Canada was even imagined. Monuments that inspire awe; gardens that stagger you with their symmetry and precision. The rooms and wall hangings, and furniture and chandeliers and stoves and floors and dishes and glassware, and paintings and beds and...... of the very rich, seem to be from fairy tales rather than reality.
She loves the duvets that all the hotels have on their beds, the pasty and candy available anywhere -- especially the train stations, the trains that make everything so easy to get around, even with wifi.
She says she will miss that she can walk around any time and see something different. I think she has been bitten by the travel bug.