In a world of media hype, adjectives such as 'unprecedented' are frequently misused to try and emphasize an event in the world of sports or other entertainment. However, the last 9 months of 2020, truly are unprecedented. Never before have whole societies shut down as they have since the middle of March. School children had a 6 month 'March Break'. Churches, gyms, malls, and restaurants were all closed. Everyone stayed home, including me.
I have not been affected in my financial situation, as I am retired and on a nice fixed income. I still go for walks and rode my bike all summer. My garden benefitted from my being home much more than usual. Both Ian's and my health has been great. No one in the family has been infected. It would seem that I am virtually unaffected by the pandemic.
But choirs and volunteering are off the table. There is no singing at supported living homes. And there is no travel.
For someone who loves to go, this is really hard. Being almost 70, there are only a limited number of years for carefree travel and I am losing one to this COVID19. I know that many people are losing much more and I am very fortunate, for which I am grateful. Earlier this week there was an announcement of a potential vaccine with 90% effectiveness. I will be in line when they start to give it out in a few months. And the first place to go will be to the little girls in Sweden. Internet conversations are fine, but can't substitute for the real thing, especially with the young people.
There are more adventures waiting.